Sunday, November 17, 2013

Girls who Love Jesus

Friday, November 15th
My friend Laurie Hembree began a Bible Study two years ago for girls in the Jenks Syno program. Now that the girls are in 7th grade, and there is no longer a Syno program, she decided to expand it.
SO grateful my Abby got in on that list! :-) 
I gladly volunteered to host as I looked forward to meeting everyone...including the two precious leaders - both Juniors at Jenks who attend Fellowship Bible Church and are grounded in their Faith.
Soooo grateful my Abby got in on that list. In a public school with 850 kids in your grade, it is very difficult to find other Believers and make authentic friendships. Trojans for Christ on Friday mornings is awesome...but an intimate study every Friday afternoon is even more awesome! 
These are the girls I want my Abby connecting with and making memories with...
 Girls who Love Jesus. :-}

1 comment:

Cupcake said...

So awesome! What a great group!