Friday, February 15, 2013

Love is the Greatest

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. 
But the greatest of these is love."
I Corinthians 13:13
My baby girl and my baby boy...
Getting ready for a day of Valentine's Parties!
 I tried my darndest to get them to do cute poses together...let's just say, 
doesn't come natural for these two (unlike my older two at their same ages)
Owen with his candy apple red Valentine Ship Box 
that his Awesome big sis Abby so energetically made for him ;-)
(thank you pinterest for inspriring her!)
Ella with her giant Valentine iPod 
again...that her big sis Abby so generously spent time making for her
(she is truly an Amazing Big Sister!! I count my blessings for her presence in both of their lives)
Owen showing Momma his Class Valentine Bag full of goodies!
Time for Owen's favorite part of the party...
(or shall I say "treats")
Now THAT is totally his Daddy's grin!
Owen taking in the giggly girls
Owen and kind-hearted Ms Kackley ~ we adore her!
Home for lunch and back up for the 3rd Grade Valentine's Party...
Ella excited to see me!  (makes my heart happy)
The class eagerly listening to Miss Walker tell them what's gonna go down
Ella & Jasmine realizing they are a "Pair" during the game!
I miss the days when girls could hold hands without any questions...
Ella with sweet Miss Walker who we treasure
Time to open Love Notes!
Speaking of Love, I Love.This.Girl!!
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. 
~Mother Teresa

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