Did you wake up one day to realize you are right smack in the season of parenthood? Right in the middle of the craziest, most labor-intensive, exhilarating thing you have ever done?! Are you like me, and every other Mom I've met, and want to do a good job? Or shall I say PERFECT job?
I want to be the best mom ever to whip up a gourmet dinner, throw the best 1st grade class party ever, fold the laundry, visit ailing relatives, be the reliable carpool driver, volunteer at church, make my own birthday party invitations while scrapbooking our last vacation, the list goes on and on... Some days we can begin thinking that we are SuperMom: able to do all things on our own strength, able to leap every obstacle in a single bound, able to love and give until we are completely empty.
The harsh truth about Supermom wannabes is they fail. They do not fail for lack of trying. They fail because they have misinterpreted the calling. The calling of motherhood is NOT to be Supermom. The calling of motherhood is to be a WOMAN OF GOD TO OUR CHILDREN.
A lot of us operate from some unwritten list of requirements for great mothering:
Love God. Check.
Love your family. Check.
Manage your home. Check.
Care for your soul. Huh?
Most of us haven't really thought about it lately, but the ache in our heart that will not go away is our soul crying out for attention. I know it sounds impossible. I know that our life is incredibly busy. But it is imperative that we stop and find Jesus in all of this.
That thought of waking up in about 20 or 30 years and realizing what I have missed. I don't mean missing a baseball game or a school play. I mean completely missing the whole purpose of belonging to Jesus.
There is precious counsel and comfort that comes from intimacy with the Father. I need that now. There is great, great joy that comes from fellowship with my Savior. I need that now. I know that if my soul is full of the presence of Christ, and I am walking by His magnificent strength, then I have more to give to my family. I am a better mother when I am reading God's love letter to me, praying with consistency and power, and pursuing my passions and gifts.
As a woman of God, I must care for the condition of my soul. As a mother, I must set my eyes on the Author and Perfecter of my faith, committing above all things, even the precious gifts of my husband and children, that my Jesus will come FIRST. I must do whatever it takes to maintain the wellness of my soul - pursuing God with passion.
His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23), strengthening me for every task and frustration, teaching my how to celebrate life, and care for my soul. And from that healthy place of grace and intimate fellowship with Jesus, I can and will be the mother that God has intended.
May we one day be able to present the beautiful gifts of our children, complete in Christ, to the heavenly Father. To do this, we must care and nuture our own souls. We must personally grow more in love with our Savior so that we can love them from the fullness of Christ.
One thing I know is true: "We cannot impart what we do not possess." If I am not crazy in love with Jesus, and totally devoted to the Father, how can I expect that my children will ever be?"
So, whether it is through meditation and quiet time...
or running alongside Jesus as He molds and shapes you...
or climbing mountains & screaming at the top of your lungs...
Whatever path you choose to seek first the kindgom of God and His righteousness is up to you. But rest assured, as you seek Him first, He will pour into you everything you need to be the mother He has called you to be."The Spirit of God has made you; the breath of the Almighty gives you life." Job 33:4
For those of you looking for a place to belong. A place to connect with other mothers. A place to share praises...and those many, many prayers,
Mothers Fellowship may be just the place for you. The beloved women's Bible Study starts this Tuesday, September 7th in the Asbury United Methodist Church Parlor at 71st & Mingo from 9:45-11:15 a.m. Free childcare provided.
We will be studying the book "Tender Mercy for a Mother's Soul" by Angela Thomas (excerpts from the book have been used in this post). It is a fabulous group of Mothers of all ages who have come together to study God's Word, pray with one another, fellowship and pursue the nurturing of souls. Come join the 28th year of Mothers Fellowship as we seek God and all that He has for us!