To make a long story short, after much prayer and certain impending circumstances, it was revealed to my heart that God wanted me to be part of another Women’s Bible Study at Asbury (my home church). After four years of facilitating summer Bible Studies, this was not something out of the ordinary. But, little did I know that God was going to take what could have been yet another “ordinary” summer Bible Study and turn it into an extraordinary experience!
I was just going along my own little merry way when God continued to put women in my path that He wanted to help with this summer’s venture. One by one each precious woman fell into place. I remember at one point thinking that we were going to have too many “helpers” for the size of the study we would be facilitating. In the past, I either facilitated alone or with one other person. Our leadership team was growing rapidly…no explanation…just growing. Only God knew why.
By the time we had our prep meeting, one week prior to the onset of the study, we had just been informed that the registration number had reached around 60. We were ecstatic!
As the next 6 days went by, I received updated registration lists from our Discipleship Director. I kid you not, each and every day the numbers increased by almost ten! My heart would nearly jump out of my body…both with JOY and with ANTICIPATION!
As my all time favorite Bible Study, Experiencing God, teaches…find where God is working and join Him. Well, there is no doubt God is at work in the lives of women in Tulsa! I was once again praising God for this AMAZING opportunity and honor. I simply could not believe He was allowing an imperfect person like me to be a part of this incredible endeavor.
The day arrived. Wednesday, June 4th, 2008. I was filled with such anticipation…I was frenzied to say the least. I was going over and over in my head about what I could possibly say that night that would allow every woman present to know that they were there for a DIVINE purpose. I couldn’t come up with anything. I wanted to be funny…but, I’m just not.
The bottom line…it did not matter what I said or how I said it. God was there. God was in each of these women…He courted each and every one of them to come be a part of this journey.
When I arrived at the church that night every ounce of my anxiety dissipated. In its place came excitement, energy, and joy. My two dear friends Brent & Lisa, a.k.a. The “Administrative Gurus,” had thought of everything. The registration process went off without a hitch! Each of the Small Group Leaders were glowing with that Jesus kind of glow…you know the one.
Our seven week journey together passed so quickly. A journey I shall never forget. For where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! I felt such freedom this summer! When you get 100 + women in one room, for one purpose…there is freedom! We are so fortunate to be given this opportunity to have freedom to learn about our Lord, to have precious childcare workers care for our children, to have a video system that shows the incomparable Beth Moore speak to us on two screens while munching on delicious homemade cookies. (Thank You Cookie Mama!!)
Do we realize how very BLESSED we are?! Do we truly comprehend that God had His hand on every single detail of this summer’s study?? He showed up…every Wednesday night…I know, I felt Him. He was there in the midst of the small groups. He was there during fellowship time. He was there during Beth’s lessons. He was there during our Ascent.
The Ascent? What is that you might be wondering. The pilgrims in the Old Testaments traveled miles and miles to the Temple three times a year to celebrate the Feasts. Just like them, we too are all on an Ascent. The whole point to this thing we call “life” is to make our way to the Father. As Beth states, “Is anything quite like getting where we’re going and not being disappointed? Beloved, if you and I only knew what we have ahead, our hearts would race and our pace quicken.”
It wasn’t Asbury. It wasn’t the workbook. It wasn’t even Beth Moore. It was the Great Almighty that made this summer so incredible. Lord, you never cease to amaze me. Asking You to Show me Your Glory is an understatement. Your Glory was shown. Your divine plan was fulfilled. Your daughters were united. Your kingdom grew. My spirit soared.
“But this I know: I cannot live without Your presence. You are everything to me. You are worthy of my praise, Lord. Worth everything I have to do to adjust and alter my life to draw close to You. Giving up nearness to You is out of the question. Knowing You is what I live for. You are my love, my light, my salvation. I will do anything to make my way to You, and I will move anything that slows Your way to me. Teach me Your ways, O Lord. Clear the path. Arise, my God, and come to me.” (prayer taken from Psalms of the Ascent by Beth Moore).
p.s. Hoping to add VIDEO tomorrow!